Why Do Cats Purr?

Do cats purr because they’re happy, or for some other reason? Watch this video to find out, or read our explanation below!

cozy cat

Cats Purr For Lots of Reasons

Most people notice cats purring when they are being petted, and assume it’s to express pleasure or contentment. That’s true, but cats also actually purr in all sorts of situations. Cats purr when they’re hungry, when they’re injured, and even when they’re giving birth. The truth is, there’s a lot we still don’t know about purring.


Purring Might Help Cats Heal

Cats purr when they’re recovering from an injury, and cats are known to mend bones very quickly. Scientists have also discovered that vibrations in the range of a cat’s purr can help with human bone healing. So if a cat is purring, it may be helping its bones to heal!

super cat

How Do Cats Purr?

Cats purr by tightening and opening the muscles surrounding their vocal chords. They are able to do this extremely rapidly, vibrating the air they breathe in and out, resulting in a purr. They actually have a specific part of their brain just to vibrate these muscles.

Cat Facts for Kids

Got cat questions? We’ve got cat answers!

  • Cats sleep for 12-16 hours a day!

  • Cats don’t develop melanin, the pigment responsible for eye color, until they’re about 6 weeks old. So all kittens are born with blue eyes!

  • Whiskers help cats detect what’s around them - sort of like how your ears help you tell what’s around you. Whiskers are so sensitive, they can detect changes in the air to tell what’s nearby.

  • One theory is that the water messes up their fur that they spend so much time cleaning. Wet fur takes a long time to dry, and makes the cat heavier.

  • Cats normally live for 12-18 years.

  • One way cats show affection is by staring at you with half-closed eyes and slowly blinking.

  • Cats can most likely see some color, but not as much color as we see. Cats probably see muted blue, yellow, and green, but red would probably appear sort of green, and purple would look blueish.

More Answers to Animal Questions from Kids

What’s the smallest animal? Why are sharks such good hunters? The Tappity Zoology Library has interactive lessons with answers to those questions and more!

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