Astronaut Training for Kids

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Attention, Tappernauts! It's time for Astronaut Basic Training! Develop your astronaut skills as you discover how to live aboard the International Space Station and conduct zero-gravity experiments. If you’re ready, then by the end you may even leave Earth’s atmosphere!


Class Information

astronaut and haley

Astronaut Facts and Learning Goals for this Class

  • What it takes to become an astronaut.

  • The purpose and inner workings of the International Space Station.

  • What life about the International Space Station is like and the kind of research ISS astronauts conduct

  • Physical and mental activities/exercises you can do at home to train to become an astronaut.

Astronaut Activities in this Class

In this class, kids will participate in a bunch of fun learning activities, including:

  • Build the International Space Station - What better way to learn the parts of the ISS than by building it from scratch, along with Haley and your fellow astronauts-in-training!

  • Space Walk Practice - Try to put together a puzzle of the ISS while wearing thick gloves, just like a real astronaut conducting repairs during a spacewalk!

Class Duration:

45 minutes/class



For Ages:

4 -10 years old

Class Size:

1-6 learners

Class Schedule:

View class schedule here

Materials & Prep:

Pencil or pen

Class printout (provided by Tappity)



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